ALGEIRS – The chief of lawmaker, Jatri Aduh stressed Tuesday that the Western Sahara issue remains the last on the decolonization issues in the African continent and the last African file included in the UN Fourth Committee of decolonization of the continent during interview with Algerian newspaper -El Hiwar-. In this regard, the cheif of lawmaker, said that the POLISARIO, as the sole and legitimate representative of the Saharawi people, had negotiated in a position of strength while morocco in an weak position. Jatri Aduh highlighted that the King of Morocco’s speech undermines the rules of the African Union because it insists on aggression against an African country and the persistence of the occupation of a member state. It ignores all African resolutions related to the Sahrawi issue, including the recent African summit resolution. He appealed all international and human rights organizations to exert more pressure on the Moroccan occupation regime to comply with international legitimacy and to allow the Saharawi people to exercise their right to self-determination and independence. “The indicators do not indicate the sincere intention of the Moroccan occupation government to implement the resolutions of the UN Security Council or to lift the obstacles which she put in face of the efforts of the international community aimed at eradicating colonialism from Western Sahara, The last colony in Africa” Jatri Aduh told the Algerian daily Newspaper El Hiwar
Source : SPS