Paris (France), May 08, 2018 (SPS) - The lawyer of Claude Mongan, Professor Ingrid Mitton, has called for the need to put an end to the disturbing and unacceptable situation in which her client is going after 20 days of an open hunger strike in order to obtain her essential right, right to private and family life, and must remain away from political bidding, and vengeance on its position on the issue of Western Sahara and its support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination
During her press conference hosted by the municipality of Evry-sur-Seine, Ms. Ingrid highlighted that her client, Claude Mongan, is a victim of reprisals by the Moroccan state against the defenseless Saharawi people and the ban, primarily aimed at denying them the right to private and family life, which constitutes a blatant violation of human rights in the Western Sahara.
"Our government is called upon to take urgent action in this regard," she said. "It is regrettable that the French government remains on the sidelines of the situation of its citizen Claude Mongan and in violation of the rights of its citizens and subjected to harsh treatment by a state that dubbed it as friendly and close country.SPS